Louis‘s arms are in removable splints, or "arm shields" as we call them, for the time being so we’ve started to work on his feet.
Louis’s feet are plantar flexed (pointed down) and internally rotated (pointed inward). Think pigeon-toed ballerina. So, we are working towards more external rotation and dorsiflexion (pulling the foot upward.) Tony is the physical therapist doing the casting on Louis’s lower extremities, and he has lots of experience with kids who have Arthrogryposis. Even with a mask on, he had Louis smiling throughout his initial appointment! Mom and dad loved seeing Louis smile because we were nervous about how he would handle having his feet casted, as this seems to be a more sensitive area of his body. There were definitely a few tears in the hour-long appointment, but we powered through it with some songs and toys!
It will be a continuous dance between casting Louis’s upper and lower extremities and giving him breaks. Finding the right balance between interventions and relaxation will be key. Right now, we are looking forward to seeing how his feet will turn out in a couple weeks!
Love the new pictures! He is growing so fast and is such a handsome little fella! Looking forward to the next update! ❤️